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Lab Grown Diamonds Vs. Cubic Zirconia: What’s The Difference?

To the naked eye, there’s no difference between cubic zirconia and lab grown diamonds.

But, in reality, there are numerous differences when comparing lab grown diamonds vs cubic zirconia. This is because cubic zirconia is a diamond stimulant, or, should we say, a fake diamond, whereas lab-made diamonds are classified as natural diamonds. 

In this article, we will explore differences between cubic zirconia vs real diamonds to understand their characteristics better, and make an informed choice when purchasing either.

What Are CZ Diamonds?

Before we dive into understanding CZ diamonds, let us answer what is cubic zirconia?

Cubic zirconia is an artificially created stone whose chemical composition and crystalline structure differ entirely from a natural diamond’s. 

The lab-grown diamonds are made of carbon, whereas cubic zirconia is a crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. However, its appearance as a real diamond makes it an affordable alternative to a more expensive lab-grown or real diamond. 

Different labs follow different methods of making cubic zirconia, with the fundamental principle being the same: melting zirconium oxide power with stabilizers like calcium and magnesium at high heat. 

Once removed from the heat, the crystalline appearance occurs as the stone stabilizes. It is then cut and polished to give the appearance of a diamond. 

Various grades of cubic zirconia are available, with the A-category being the cheapest and lowest form and the 5A category being the highest, which are also polished and hand-cut, making them the finest versions of cubic zirconia.

Is Cubic Zirconia A Diamond?

No, cubic zirconia is not a natural diamond and has completely different chemical and physical properties. They’re gemstones used as a diamond stimulant because they resemble natural diamonds.

Difference Between Lab Grown Diamond And Cubic Zirconia

Similar as they may look, there’s a vast difference between cz vs lab diamond. Let us dive deep into the major differences between them.


Lab-grown diamonds are made of pure carbon through a process called chemical vapor deposition, with the resulting stone mimicking the same characteristics and qualities as that of earth-mined diamonds. 

Cubic zirconia, on the other hand, is a crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. Even though CZ diamonds look similar to mined diamonds to an untrained eye, their chemical composition is completely different.


Lab grown engagement rings are not limited in supply in comparison to earth-mined diamonds and take comparatively less energy and labor to produce; they usually cost around 50 percent less than natural diamonds. 

Most of the cubic zirconia diamonds available in the market today are also man-made but require far less energy for production than lab-grown diamonds. 

This is because it doesn’t require mimicking the pre-volcanic high heat and pressure conditions to create them. This makes cubic zirconia stones far cheaper than lab-grown diamonds.


Lab-grown diamonds are man-made replicas of natural diamonds and measure 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, making them extremely durable yet authentic.

Cubic zirconia stones are also pretty durable and measure 8 to 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making them quite durable but not as much as lab-grown diamonds. They can withstand daily wear and tear, but you may notice some scratches over time.


One significant difference when comparing lab-created diamonds vs cubic zirconia is the clarity

Lab-grown diamonds are less dense, which means that when comparing cubic zirconia with lab-made diamonds of the same carat weight – the cubic zirconia will be physically a bit smaller.


Colorless diamonds are rare and extremely expensive. Most diamonds have a tinge of color, even if they come across as colorless to the naked eye. 

On the other hand, Cubic zirconia is entirely colorless and won’t feature any hue unless it’s done so intentionally.

Final Thoughts

When comparing man-made diamonds vs cubic zirconia, one thing to keep in mind is that lab-grown diamonds are actual diamonds, whereas cubic zirconia are diamond stimulants or fake diamonds. 

Whether you’re looking for diamond rings, diamond earrings, or a diamond necklace – the elegance, sophistication, and authenticity of lab-grown diamonds can’t be expected from cubic zirconia. 

Moreover, it’s also about how diamonds make you feel when you adorn them, and it’s that ‘X’ factor that cubic zirconia certainly misses. 

At Donj Jewellery, we offer a wide range of contemporary-styled lab-grown diamond jewelry for men and women. Whether you’re looking for diamond jewelry to gift to your loved ones or yourself, our exquisite collection will spoil you for choices!


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