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Are Lab Grown Diamonds A Sustainable Alternative To Mined Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are in vogue these days due to the numerous advantages they offer over earth-mined diamonds. 

Touted as environmentally friendly diamonds, lab-grown diamonds offer distinct ethical advantages. They are not mined from the earth but are created in a controlled environment in a laboratory. 

Lab-grown diamonds are physically, optically, and chemically the same as natural diamonds and are classified as real diamonds. 

However, due to the process followed in producing them, lab-grown diamonds are regarded as more sustainable than mined diamonds. 

But are lab-grown diamonds sustainable?

Lab-Grown Diamonds Environmental Impact – Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Better For The Environment?

Relatively, the environmental impact of mined diamonds is much higher than that of lab-grown diamonds. Traditional mining requires extensive land disruption and water contamination, which is far lower when producing lab-made diamonds. 

Moreover, many laboratories use renewable sources of energy for the production of lab-grown diamonds, further lowering their carbon footprint considerably. This is why lab-grown diamonds are often called eco-friendly diamonds or environmentally-friendly diamonds. 

With that said, it can’t be denied that growing diamonds in a controlled laboratory environment consume substantial energy. And the carbon footprint can be pretty high if a non-renewable energy source is used in the process.

Ultimately, lab-grown diamonds are a sustainable alternative to mined diamonds, but the sustainability quotient also depends on the energy source used in their production.

The Environmental Impact Of Diamond Mining

Diamond mining is a process that requires significant disruption to the land and the overall surrounding environment. Whether diamond mining is done through open-pit or alluvial mining, removing a vast amount of rock and soil is required. 

Diamond mining is often blamed for being the primary cause of loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, water contamination, and deforestation in the place where it’s done. 

The local ecosystem and communities are often negatively impacted due to land, soil, and water-related contamination caused by diamond mining. 

Another reason how diamond mining is less sustainable is because of the massive carbon emissions it causes. 

There are numerous chemicals used in the mining process, including controlled explosions and the use of heavy machinery and equipment. 

Transporting the excavated diamonds to the processing labs and thereafter to the retail market adds to the total carbon footprint of diamond mining. 

This is why lab-grown diamonds are often called earth-friendly diamonds!

How Are Diamonds Extracted From The Earth?

There are two types of extraction methods used for mining diamonds, namely alluvial mining and open-pit mining. 

Alluvial mining uses equipment and machinery to sift through the earth bed and riverbeds to locate and extract diamonds. 

In open-pit mining, large quantities of earth are removed to reach deep within the earth where diamond rocks are located. 

Both these processes lead to habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and significant release of greenhouse gases.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Durable?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are as durable as their natural counterpart. 

Both earth-mined diamonds and lab-grown diamonds have similar chemical, optical, and physical characteristics and qualities. 

The lab-grown diamonds measure 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, like natural diamonds, making them highly tough, durable, and long-lasting.

If you’ve never tried lab-grown diamonds, you can shop lab grown diamonds at Donj Jewelry, the finest online shop for exquisite lab-create jewelry for men and women.

Positive Impacts Of Synthetic Diamonds

There are no significant negative impacts of synthetic diamonds on the environment compared to earth-mined diamonds. 

Some of the positive impacts of lab-grown diamonds are –

  • Lower Environmental Disruption & Degradation
  • Lower Carbon Footprint
  • Ethical Production

Natural Diamond Mining Impact – Statistics

There are many controversies surrounding the diamond mining industry, and its environmental impact is no secret. 

In terms of statistics, extracting just one carat of diamond has a carbon footprint of 108.5 kgs of carbon dioxide.

As per the data, around 147 million carats were extrapolated in 2018. This amounts to over 16 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. To give you a better idea, this amount of emission equals what nearly 4 million cars produce yearly.

Lab Grown Diamonds – An Affordable & Responsible Choice

Overall, it can be said without a doubt that lab made diamond rings are a sustainable alternative to natural diamonds due to the value for money they offer.

Earth-mined diamonds often come with some impurities, which is why they are graded on the basis of cut, clarity, carat, and color (the 4Cs). However, with lab-grown diamonds, you can easily find a stone that matches your exact preferences without having to spend a fortune. 

Lab-grown diamonds are conflict-free, environmentally friendly, and readily available at a lower price point than earth-mined diamonds. 

So, are lab grown diamonds a sustainable alternative to mined diamonds? The answer is YES!

Go ahead and be a responsible customer and make a responsible choice by choosing lab-grown diamonds today!


Do Lab Grown Diamonds Pass A Diamond Tester?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds pass a diamond tester because they are identical to natural diamonds in chemical, physical, and optical properties. 

In recent years, the popularity of lab-grown diamonds has been on the rise, and rightly so. This is prominently due to the sustainable and ethical practices used in its production compared to its natural counterpart. 

As the diamond industry continues to grow and the demand for lab-grown becomes widespread, it becomes essential for both buyers and sellers to differentiate between natural and lab made diamonds. 

And one of the most commonly used tools to identify and tell the difference is a diamond tester.

How Does A Diamond Tester Work?

Primarily, the two modes for testing diamonds are –

  • Thermal Conductivity Tests
  • Electrical Conductivity Tests

As complicated as it may sound, a diamond tester looks more like an ink pen with a metal tip. A panel on the other end of the diamond tester with a series of colors and light indicates whether the tested stone is a real diamond or other material such as diamond simulant, metal, moissanite, cubic zirconia, etc. 

In both the thermal and electrical conductivity tests, the heat is passed through the stone to understand how well the stone can conduct heat. The lab-grown diamonds will show results similar to a natural diamond in both tests. 

So, the answer to the question – do lab grown diamonds pass the test? Is Yes!

However, there is a small catch here. The natural diamonds contain traces of nitrogen from growing within Earth’s mantle over millions of years. 

The lab-grown diamonds created using a diamond slice don’t necessarily carry traces of nitrogen. So, if the diamond test only looks for nitrogen traces as verification, the lab-grown diamonds would fail. 

However, this does not imply that the lab grown diamonds are fake. Irrespective of the outcome of the test, it’s important to remember that lab-grown diamonds are chemically, optically, and physically identical to earth-mined diamonds.

Can A Jeweler Identify A Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab created diamonds look identical to natural diamonds and have the same chemical properties. Depending on the size of the lab-grown diamonds, it can take over a month to create one lab-grown diamond. 

For a jeweler, it’s easy to tell that a diamond is a lab-created diamond due to the microscopic inscriptions in it. The lack of nitrogen in lab-grown diamonds is also one of the identifiers of lab-grown diamonds. 

It’s important to remember that telling the difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds is impossible for the naked eye.

How To Tell If The Diamond Is Lab-Created?

There are three primary ways to decipher if the diamond is lab-grown. 

Firstly, check the certificate that comes with the diamonds. The certificate by the grading lab always mentions the origin. In the case of lab-grown diamonds, it mentions that the diamond is lab-created. 

Secondly, check the girdle of the diamond, as there’s always an engraved serial number. If the diamond is lab-grown, it is also specifically engraved next to the serial number. 

Lastly, you can identify if the diamond in question is natural or lab-grown by sending it to a certified gemological lab. 

The laboratories used advanced machinery and equipment to check the diamond’s nitrogen levels and how it reacts under UV rays to determine whether it is natural or lab-grown.

Signs of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Most of the characteristics of lab-grown diamonds are similar to those of Earth-mined diamonds, including their optical, chemical, and physical properties. 

However, there are certain signs that give away that the diamond is lab-created, including features like distinct fluorescence, metal inclusion, microscopic inscriptions, and laser inscriptions. 

It is not possible for an untrained eye to tell the difference between real and lab grown diamond rings. It requires trained professionals and the use of advanced testing tools and methods to differentiate lab-grown diamonds from natural diamonds.


1. Do Lab Diamonds Pass The Diamond Tester?

Answer – Yes, absolutely! As both natural and lab-grown diamonds are similar in physical, optical, and chemical makeup, they pass thermal and electrical conductivity tests. 

However, lab grown diamonds may show different results than the Earth-mined diamonds when specifically checking the nitrogen levels.

2. Are Lab-Created Diamonds Real Diamonds?

Answer – Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds for all intents and purposes.

3. Is Appraisal Needed For A Lab Grown Diamond?

Answer – If you plan to sell or insure your diamond, you must get an appraisal for your lab-grown diamond. It will help decipher the retail cost of your lab grown diamond.

4. Are Lab-Grown Diamonds As Hard As Real Diamonds?

Answer – On the Mohs Hardness Scale, the natural and lab-grown diamonds score a perfect 10. This is another reason why lab-grown diamonds are increasingly used in everyday jewelry.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds: What You Should Know

There is an ongoing debate in the diamond world about whether lab-grown diamonds are real. 

The answer is yes!

Both lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds are certified diamonds. While there are differences in the point of origin in lab-grown diamonds vs. natural diamonds – they’re technically, optically, and chemically quite similar. 

The primary difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds is that natural diamonds are formed in Earth’s mantle throughout billions of years, whereas lab-grown diamonds are man-made in a controlled environment in a laboratory.

What’s The Difference Between A Lab Grown Vs. Natural Diamond?

As mentioned earlier, there are no physical differences between lab-grown diamonds vs. real diamonds. The primary difference lies in the origin and price of natural and lab-grown diamonds. 

Through the naked eye, it’s impossible to tell the difference. However, tiny amounts of nitrogen are present in real diamonds that aren’t present in lab-created diamonds. 

Even though nitrogen isn’t visible to the naked eye, it’s visible using advanced gemology equipment. In fact, it is one of the ways gemologists use to identify if the diamond is lab-grown or natural. 

Let us go through some of the differences between Lab Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds –

Composition & Characteristics

Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed over billions of years in the Earth’s mantle. 

It is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a peculiar crystal lattice structure. Every diamond found naturally is unique, and there might be variations in color, carat weight, and clarity.

Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are formed artificially in a laboratory through a process called High-Pressure, High-Temperature Synthesis, and Chemical Vapor Destination. 

Even though lab-grown diamonds are physically, chemically, and optically identical to earth-mined diamonds, there are some impurities found in lab-grown diamonds.

Production Process

Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed of carbon crystals created through high-pressure and high temperatures deep within Earth’s mantle. 

Carbon atoms take millions of years to form diamonds and come closer to Earth’s surface where they’re mined.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-created diamonds are produced using advanced technology in a controlled lab environment. 

Here, carbon seeds or a small diamond or graphic slice are placed in a chamber, and then carbon atoms are layered upon it slowly to replicate natural diamonds’ structure.

Ethical Considerations

Natural Diamonds

Mining natural diamonds has long been associated with ethical and environmental concerns, including water pollution, unethical mining practices, habitat destruction, deforestation, and more. 

Moreover, there have been rising concerns about human rights violations in some diamond mining areas. The diamonds from the controversial diamond mining regions are often called blood or conflict diamonds.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Compared to natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are considered more ethical. This is because there’s no need for deforestation or destruction of natural habitats. 

Also, the production of lab-grown diamonds requires less energy and water. Also, with lab-grown diamonds, there’s no fear of ethical concerns often surrounding mining natural diamonds, ensuring consumers peace of mind.


Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds can cost between $1,000 to over $10,000 per carat, depending on the diamond’s shape, color, clarity, and other factors. 

Ideally, color and clarity grading of the natural diamond and referencing it with the internationally recognized benchmark – Rapaport List helps decipher the cost of natural diamonds.  The resale value of natural diamonds is comparatively higher than its lab-grown counterpart.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

There’s no industry-standard formula for deciphering the price of lab-grown diamonds. However, lab-grown diamonds are commonly around 40% to 85% cheaper than natural diamonds. 

The prices of lab-grown diamonds continue to decrease with time and apparently have little to no resale value, primarily due to greater supply.

Final Conclusion

Lab diamonds are a great alternative to natural diamonds if you focus more on the ethical and environmental benefits. However, natural diamonds may be more suitable if you’re focused on resale value or want an antique piece formed over millions of years. 

Lab-grown diamonds are physically, chemically, and optically similar to natural diamonds and are more affordable. They have an endless supply without leaving a negative impact on the environment. And these factors make laboratory grown diamond rings a strong choice for modern consumers. 

If you’re in the market for diamond jewelry or want to know the differences between lab grown and natural diamonds, hopefully, the abovementioned points have helped guide you in the right direction. Ultimately, which diamond type you choose to go with depends solely on your personal beliefs and budget!



What Is A Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab-grown diamonds are an ecologically friendly and economical alternative to natural diamonds. They are sourced ethically, priced at a lower price point, and have the same physical, chemical and optical properties as a mined diamond. 

Being the ‘Real’ diamonds they are, lab-created diamonds have successfully disrupted the traditional diamond industry in the last few decades. Many consumers choose lab-grown diamonds over natural diamonds because of their ethical origin and cost-effectiveness while not having to miss out on the elegance and timeless beauty a diamond promises. 

One reassuring fact about lab-created diamonds is that they also score 10 on Moh’s scale, similar to the mined diamonds, signifying similar optical, chemical, and physical properties. 

The point of origin is one major difference that sets lab-created diamonds apart from natural diamonds. The lab-grown diamonds are neither mined from deep within the Earth and are neither billions of years old.

With the growing consciousness among modern consumers about sustainability and ethical sourcing, it’s no wonder that the demand and popularity of lab-created diamonds have been surging in recent times. 

Whether you’re looking for lab-made diamond rings or any other type of diamond jewelry, rest assured, lab-created diamond jewelry will look just as beautiful, stunning, and elegant.

The History and Evolution of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The best way to answer – what a lab-grown diamond is – is to dive into the history of how the lab-grown diamonds came into existence. 

Understanding the history of cultivated diamonds will help you better understand the dynamics of lab-created diamonds and assist you with making an informed decision about why you should choose lab-grown diamonds.

Shaping The Diamond Industry

If you’re in the market to buy diamond jewellery, you’ll come across a wide range of options at different price points. From diamond simulants to fake and natural diamonds to lab-grown diamonds, you have a vast array of options available. 

Doing due diligence and research is essential if you opt for natural diamonds. This is because conflicts and controversies have surrounded the sourcing of mined diamonds for ages. 

Many diamond companies claim their diamonds are ethically sourced and conflict-free, but that’s not always true. If you’re concerned about the origin and ethics of how the diamonds that adorn your beauty are sourced, check and verify the company’s claim before purchasing. 

The better and more modern alternative to mined diamonds is lab-created diamonds, where you don’t have to worry about ethical sourcing, exorbitant pricing or authenticity. 

These reasons collectively symbolize lab-grown diamonds as the future of the diamond industry, reshaping the otherwise traditional diamond realm.

Brief History of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The fact that diamonds are made of pure carbon was first discovered in the year 1797. This marked the beginning of the race towards creating synthetic diamonds among scientists from different parts of the world. 

Since then, many attempts were made to create diamonds artificially in a laboratory. In 1954, GE finally accomplished its mission of creating synthetic diamonds through a project called Superpressure

Scientists tried various methods to create lab diamonds, including using a high-pressure belt press in which minuscule seed carbon crystals were subjected to high pressure of 100,000 atm and temperatures of 1,600 degrees Celsius. 

Graphite, also a mineral made of pure carbon, was dissolved in other metals, such as nickel, cobalt and iron, to accelerate the process of diamond formation. 

The material made from this process had a Mohs hardness of 10 and replicated properties of natural diamonds, confirming what the scientists made was actually a diamond. 

The credit for this discovery was given to Howard Tracy Hall and Herbert Strong, who led the team at GE. 

It needs to be mentioned here that initially, the diamonds created using the Hall Belt Press were only suitable for industrial purposes until lab-grown diamonds were successfully made in 1971 after refining the original HPHT (High-Pressure, High-Temperature) process.

Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Real?

Yes, lab diamonds or artificial diamonds, as many call them, are ‘real’ diamonds.  Lab-grown diamonds are neither fakes nor diamond simulants like Moissanite or CZ (cubic zirconia).

Once grown, the lab diamonds are cut and polished using the same tools as natural diamonds. 

In 2018, the FTC officially recognized lab diamonds as real diamonds.

Are Lab-Created Diamonds Recognizable?

No, you can’t distinguish between natural and lab-grown diamonds when you see them through the naked eye. However, professional gemologists use advanced tools to identify lab-grown and natural diamonds. 

Each of these diamonds has unique identifiers, which helps gemologists identify them. 

Natural diamonds usually show some feathering and clouds, whereas lab-grown diamonds may contain some metals. Often, grading reports are used to determine if the diamond is natural or artificial.

Should You Buy a Lab-Grown Diamonds?


The lab-grown diamonds are as much ‘real’ as the natural diamonds, and even FTC has officially recognized lab-created diamonds as real.  

Whether you’re looking to buy a stunningly beautiful diamond pendant, ring, or any other type of jewelry for your loved one, choosing a lab-created diamond ring is a much more economical option.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds

There’s no difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds in aesthetics, allure, and brilliance. With that said, there are some differences worth noting!


Lab-grown diamonds are produced in a controlled setting in a laboratory. Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle over the course of billions of years.


Lab diamonds are created using advanced technologies, including high pressure, high temperature (HPHT), or chemical vapour deposition (CVD) methods. These processes mimic the high temperature and pressure similar to what’s found deep within the Earth, forming diamonds.

Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle, where carbon is subject to high pressure and temperature over billions of years, creating diamonds.

Environmental Impact

Manufacturing lab-created diamonds need a good amount of energy but leaves a relatively lower carbon footprint than what’s involved in mining natural diamonds. 

So, if you’re environmentally conscious, lab-grown diamonds are a more sustainable and affordable option.

Ethical Sourcing

It is a well-known fact that most diamonds aren’t always ethically sourced, making the term ‘conflict diamonds’ widespread in the diamond industry. 

Lab-grown diamonds are produced in licensed and registered modern laboratories using advanced machines and technologies, eliminating the possibility of any unethical practices involved in the process. This makes it nearly impossible to distrust the sourcing of lab-grown diamonds.


Ideally, the cost of lab-grown diamonds is around 30 to 50 percent lower than that of natural diamonds.

As the natural diamonds are formed deep within Earth’s mantle over the period of billions of years, they’re priced a bit higher for their unique antiquity and rareness.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article answers your question: What is a lab-grown diamond? 

The diamond industry has witnessed many new trends coming and going over the past many decades. However, one can undoubtedly affirm that the dominance and popularity of lab-grown diamonds are here to stay. 

Lab-grown diamonds are sustainable, affordable, and ethical in their genuine sense without compromising on allure and elegance, making them the worthy torchbearer of the diamond industry’s future. 

At Donj Jewellery, we have an extensive collection of lab-grown diamond jewellery, including lab-made diamond rings, lab-grown diamond engagement rings, and more. 

With our exquisite collection of lab-grown diamond jewellery at Donj Jewellery, we aim to bring you the best of both worlds without burning a hole in your pocket or compromising the values you hold dear.

Indulge in opulent luxury in style and make a fashion statement by embracing lab-grown diamond jewelry.

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

If you’re in the market for diamonds, why not go with lab-grown diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds, just sourced differently!

With lab-grown diamonds, you won’t miss the shine, the elegance, or the aesthetic value a mined diamond offers.

These similarities in qualities have helped soar the popularity of cultivated diamonds in recent times.

Lab-grown diamonds are a relatively more sustainable and affordable option than natural diamonds while being chemically, optically, and aesthetically similar.

The growing popularity of lab-grown diamonds has revolutionized the diamond industry, and rightly so. However, there’s still a vast majority of people in two minds about the source, quality and authenticity of lab-grown diamonds.

And if you’re one of them, you’re at the right place.

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of lab-grown diamonds to understand their source and production process, helping you make an informed choice when in the market for lab-created diamonds.

What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

Now, let us answer the question – what are lab-grown diamonds before moving on to understanding how they are made? 

There’s no difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds; lab-grown diamonds can be called replicas of natural diamonds in terms of their physical, optical, and chemical properties.

However, lab diamonds are crafted with meticulous precision in a controlled laboratory setting instead of being found deep within the Earth’s mantle. 

The point of origin is the only significant difference between synthetic and natural diamonds. So, cultivated diamonds are also ‘real’ diamonds and can’t be called imitation diamonds or fakes.

As mentioned, there’s no optical difference between the natural and lab-grown diamonds, so you won’t find any difference when you look at them with the naked eye. This makes cultivated diamonds a preferred choice for people looking for fine diamond jewellery at a lower price point.

At Donj Jewellery, we have an extensive collection of lab-made diamond rings, lab-grown diamond engagement rings, lab diamond earrings, and more.

If you’re in the market for diamond wedding rings or any other type of diamond jewelry, our collection of lab-grown diamond jewellery will leave you mesmerized!

How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

Today, two methods for making lab-grown diamonds are HPHT and CVD.

HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature) Method

This is the first method ever used to create cultivated diamonds. In this method, a high-end machine, namely a belt press, makes the same setting as the Earth’s crust, including extremely high temperatures and pressure. 

Three belt presses are commonly used in the HPHT diamond synthesis process: split–sphere (BARS), belt, and cubic. 

A tiny diamond seed is infused in the pure carbon. Due to the extreme temperature and pressure, the carbon melts, forming a diamond around the infused diamond seed. 

HPHT is a highly prevalent method used mainly for producing industrial lab-grown diamonds, and its estimated market revenue is projected to be around $11.7 billion in 2024.

CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) Method

This recently developed method is now widely used to produce lab-created diamonds. In terms of efficiency, it has easily surpassed the HPHT method. 

In the CVD method, a diamond seed is sealed inside a chamber and vaporized with carbon-rich gas. Consequently, carbon starts layering upon the seed as the temperature increases, slowly transforming the seed into a diamond. 

Even though the CVD method was patented in the late 1950s, it took much longer to refine the process and put it into commercial utilization. 

As per an estimate, most of the lab-grown diamonds in 2024 and the future will be developed using the CVD method. The market revenue from the CVD method currently stands at $16.5 billion and is estimated to grow exponentially. 

This is because diamonds created using the CVD method are relatively higher quality. 

Over time, both HPHT and CVD methods have witnessed evolution and have become more efficient and cost-effective than they once were. 

Both these methods eliminate the concerns regarding human toll and environmental damage commonly related to mined diamonds

That said, lab-grown diamonds are not 100% environmentally friendly as they require substantial energy for production.


Lab-grown diamonds, especially the ones made through the CVD methods, are naturally yellow or brown when taken out of the chamber. These diamonds undergo a specialized heat treatment to give them that colourless or whiteish look. 

Lab-grown diamonds are sometimes processed and treated to give them fancy red or pink colours. It adds to the versatility of lab-created diamonds, making them a popular pick for lab-grown diamond engagement rings or lab-made diamond rings. 

To create elegant blue or yellow coloured diamonds, adding nitrogen or boron to the chamber in the CVD method does the trick.

Final Thoughts

Lab-grown diamonds have revolutionized the diamond industry and, broadly, the world of luxury. 

They symbolize environmental consciousness, captivating brilliance and ethical responsibility, which resonates with the value systems of discerning modern clientele. 

Thanks to their consistent quality, affordable price range, and versatility in colour and size options, lab-grown diamonds are rapidly changing the diamond landscape.

In the market for authentic and certified lab-grown diamond jewelry, including elegant lab-grown diamond engagement rings, lab-grown diamond wedding rings, and more? Don’t forget to browse our exquisite collection of lab-grown diamonds, or contact us via phone or email to speak to a care specialist!

At Donj, we’re redefining luxury by offering our clients a beautiful collection of lab-grown diamond jewelry for guilt-free indulgence.

Are lab-grown diamonds real diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are absolutely soaring in popularity as people are starting to realize how incredible these diamonds really are in terms of both quality and value. But what’s the difference between these diamonds, and how do lab diamond companies differ from the mined diamond industry?

The diamond industry has long been lambasted for the ravages it has caused worldwide, specifically on the African continent, earning their mined gems the name of blood diamonds. In this article we explain why laboratory-grown diamonds are an entirely more ethical option for engagement rings and other pieces of jewelry – and how they can actually surpass natural diamonds in quality.


What is a lab-grown diamond?

Lab-grown diamonds are actually real diamonds. Their physical, chemical and optical properties are the same as mined diamonds, but they are grown from a diamond seed instead of being harvested from the earth. 

While natural diamonds are created when carbon is subjected to high pressure and heat, between 145 and 200 kilometers below the earth’s surface, laboratory-grown diamonds are made when carbon is subjected to the same conditions but in a lab. Making a diamond in a lab requires replicating the conditions deep within the Earth – temperatures of at least 1,400 degrees Celsius and extreme atmospheric pressure (60,000 ATM).

A diamond seed is placed in a growth chamber and heated to the appropriate temperature; a small amount of carbon is then introduced into the room and bonds with the seed crystal. This process can take between five days and two months. The result is a rough diamond that can be cut and polished into any shape or size.

Why do people get lab-made diamonds? Here are some key benefits:

  • They’re more affordable: Man-made diamonds demand fewer resources to extract so they are more cost-effective. 
  • They’re eco-friendly: Lab-grown diamonds have less of an environmental impact than mined diamonds. It takes tremendous amounts of energy and resources to mine diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are an eco-friendly and socially conscious choice!
  • There are no apparent differences: Lab-grown diamonds look exactly like mined ones!

The difference between a karat and a carat


Is a lab-created diamond a real diamond?

A lab-created diamond is a real diamond. Lab-created diamonds are made in a lab by scientists who replicate the high-pressure, high-temperature conditions that cause carbon atoms to crystallize and form diamond crystals.

The process starts with one of two things: either a tiny sliver of a mined diamond or pure carbon graphite, these serve as the diamond seed in the laboratory process. These seeds are placed in a vacuum chamber with carbon-rich gasses like methane or acetylene. Then, the diamond seed is transformed into a rough diamond using heat and pressure. This rough diamond can then be cut, polished, and finished into a beautiful jewelry-grade diamond.

Lab-created diamonds are not fake diamonds; they have the same chemical structure as natural diamonds. Rather than being naturally made, these are man-made diamonds. While natural diamonds are made in the Earth’s mantle under extreme heat and pressure over billions of years, lab-created diamonds grow in about two weeks in a scientific facility.

Platinum vs White Gold: Which one is better for engagement rings?


Are lab-created diamonds worth anything?

Lab-created diamonds are definitely worth something and you will be able to resell them. The only difference between synthetic diamonds and natural diamonds is that the latter may retain or appreciate in value over time, but in the majority of cases, both types of diamonds will depreciate since they are luxury goods.


How natural diamonds form

Certain natural diamonds are dated to about 3.2 billion years ago. The process begins with the presence of carbon atoms within sections of the earth’s mantle (kilometers and kilometers beneath the earth’s surface). 

Due to the immense pressure and extreme temperatures found there, diamonds gradually begin to form. The entire process can take up to 1 billion and 3.3 billion years, which is approximately 25% to 75% of our earth’s age.


How lab-grown diamonds are manufactured

Making lab-grown diamonds starts by placing a small piece of diamond seed into a growth chamber. Then methane and hydrogen are heated to extreme temperatures and subjected to enormous pressure, replicating the conditions of the earth’s mantle. As the gasses cool and settle, they crystallize on the seed to form a diamond.

The resulting diamonds are visually identical to mined diamonds. They have the same physical properties and optical characteristics as their naturally occurring counterparts. Even their chemical composition is the same, with no difference in terms of their atomic structure.


Should you buy a lab diamond or a natural diamond?

Unfortunately, the natural diamond industry is one of the most violent and corrupt industries. Buying a natural diamond implicitly involves violence, human rights abuses, and environmental destruction. In contrast, lab diamonds are called ethical diamonds since they are not associated with social or environmental concerns.

Laboratory diamonds are cheaper than natural diamonds, so you can get a bigger diamond for your money. They are just as hard as natural diamonds (10 on the Mohs hardness scale), so they are great for laboratory diamond rings and aren’t brittle. They can be made in resplendent colors such as blue or red (natural diamonds only come in yellow or brown).

Engagement ring vs. Wedding ring


How can you tell the difference between a lab diamond and a natural diamond?

The differences between a natural diamond and a lab diamond cannot be seen with the naked eye. Natural diamonds have tiny amounts of nitrogen, while laboratory diamonds have no nitrogen. This is how gemologists determine if a diamond is lab-grown or natural.

Browser our collection of jewelry


Should You Sleep with Your Jewelry On?

Donj Jewellery oftentimes received questions regarding the long-term care and maintenance of our accessories. Along with cleaning, storage, and periodic refurbishing, a popular question we receive is: Should you sleep with your jewelry? Ultimately, there are a few health risks depending on the type of metal your accessories are made of but the main concern is long-term damage to the piece. This is especially important with expensive items or family heirlooms such as engagement rings which hold sentimental value and might be impossible to replace. This leads to the second question we will address: Should you sleep with your engagement ring on?


Potential Dangers for Him/ Her


In the vast majority of individuals, there are no major health risks associated with wearing jewelry to sleep. It is, however, common to experience mild to moderate allergic reactions when wearing certain lower-grade metals for prolonged periods of time. That’s why it makes sense to periodically remove and clean your jewelry. Sometimes, the debris or bacteria that accumulate on the ring is actually what causes the irritation. Regularly wiping down your jewelry as well as going through a thorough clean periodically can decrease discomfort and irritation associated with prolonged exposure. The best way to avoid irritation is to stick to top-quality gold or silver (depending on your allergy). Be careful when you buy jewelry online since fake or sub-par quality gold will often cause allergic reactions to sensitive skin. Be sure to buy rare metals from luxury retailers such as Donj Jewellery to reduce the potential for irritation or allergic reactions from long-term exposure.


Potential Dangers for It


It is definitely not recommended that you sleep with your lab produced diamond rings on due to the simple fact that you can damage it over time. Putting weight on it will warp the shape of the band over time, potentially loosening the setting and any accent stones along the shank. These small precious stones can pop out of place and become almost impossible to find. The main stone will probably not be damaged if it’s a white diamond, however, any colored stone or gemstone will deteriorate over time from rubbing against the varied surfaces that your ring comes into contact with as you toss and turn at night. Furthermore, the prongs can snag the bedsheets or your hair! Over time, the prongs can become compromised and break, eventually resulting in the loss of your precious center stone.

Your number one priority when you shop jewelry Canada has to offer is to make sure it is top quality gold or silver regardless of whether you purchase in-store or buy jewelry online. It’s extremely rare to have allergic reactions when wearing the higher purities of gold, such as 18K yellow gold earrings, rings, and necklaces. Now, should you sleep with your laboratory made diamonds on? The logic is the same. In this case, you risk losing big-dollar diamonds if the integrity of the ring is ever compromised so it pays off to be careful in the way you treat this piece of fine jewelry!


Can You Sleep With Your Jewelry?


Yes, but it is recommended to remove them nightly to give your skin some time to breathe. This protects you and your jewelry, and prevents it from warping from the weight of your body pressing on it as you shift sleep positions.

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Lab-Grown Diamond

The diamond industry has been heavily dependent on the limitations of technology since its inception hundreds of years ago. Mining, cutting and polishing of diamonds cannot be accomplished without the use of very complex machinery. The optics employed to observe and then grade diamond quality is also an undeniable feat of precise science. In recent years, chemistry has even opened an avenue for synthetic diamonds – better known as Cubic zirconia- to enter the market and offer some buyers a cost effective diamond replica. Modern technology has allowed us to accomplish extraordinary things. Today, it’s possible to not only replicate many naturally occurring phenomena in labs but essentially duplicate them under certain circumstances. Scientists have recently adapted techniques that mimic the same conditions under which diamonds are formed in nature, allowing us to manufacture lab-grown diamonds that appear and behave pretty much identically to the diamonds which occur naturally. The comparative cost of production versus mining offers buyers yet another budget-friendly option for their lab grown diamond engagement rings. We’ll take you through the process of making lab grown diamonds, analyze how they compare to natural diamonds aesthetically, and finally look at the cost of purchasing engagement rings with lab grown diamonds as their centerpiece.

Let’s start with understanding how diamonds occur in nature. The process isn’t complicated, just painstakingly slow. Most of the diamonds on the market today have taken several billion years to form deep within the surface of the Earth in beds of rock called kimberlite. A diamond is purely made up of carbon molecules, forced together by extreme heat and pressure throughout all these years. At times, tiny molecules of nitrogen or other substances do end up within the diamond, creating the imperfections we call inclusions that in turn impact the way light passes through them. Therefore, the most expensive diamonds on the market are the big chunks of almost pure carbon which have very few, very small inclusions. Lab-grown gemstones simply mimic these conditions, compressing carbon under similar heat and pressure, only in much less time. Compared to the billions of years it takes a diamond to form naturally, labs accomplish it in less than a month.

The industry for lab-grown diamonds in Montreal is fairly thin, therefore we tend to look towards the United States for the best examples of those stones. The Gem Certification and Assurance Lab (GCAL) is the organization with the most precise grading system as it analyzes all lab-grown diamonds under specialized machinery in order to provide a guarantee of quality comparable to what is produced by the GIA. The best specimens of both lab-grown and naturally occurring diamonds are impossible to tell apart with the naked eye, even under most optics. It’s only with these very specialized machines that one can actually tell the difference. Consequently, they tend to behave the same as far as light reflection and long-term durability. The noticeable differences, according to gemologists, occur in the lower grades of lab-grown diamonds. These show more color and inclusions than the lower grades of those which occur in nature. Otherwise, they are pretty much the same. We would expect to see little difference since they are made from the same materials under the same circumstances. That’s what’s so revolutionary about these diamonds. You can buy a diamond engagement ring with a lab-grown stone as its centerpiece and it will look just as magnificent. Unlike cubic zirconia (CZ), which is made by combining zirconium and oxygen, these lab grown diamonds are duplicates and not replicas! CZ is much less durable and does not reflect light in nearly the same ways, whereas lab-grown diamonds are in fact real diamonds.

Considering the amount of time involved in producing our own diamonds, it’s only natural that they will sell for less. This new industry is actually not only efficient but comparatively sustainable when you dig a bit and learn that it takes about 100 000 tons of displaced rock to mine a single 1.00 carat D/flawless grade diamond from beneath the Earth’s surface. So how does all this apply to engagement rings? Up front, you’re looking at paying about 30% less for the stone itself. Since the diamonds are the most expensive component of engagement rings, you could see how this significantly cuts your cost. Although natural diamonds follow a relatively stable market, the future of lab-grown diamonds is still unknown. However, since the quantity of diamonds we can produce is essentially unlimited it would be safe to assume that the purchase price would decrease as the technology to produce them becomes more available. Insuring diamond engagement rings costs the same amount, regardless of whether the diamonds are man-made or naturally occurring.

At this point, you can probably conclude that it comes down to a question of budget and personal preference. If your engagement ring is a symbol of something precious, built through the patience of nature and limited in abundance, then go all natural. If you’re more practical, environmentally conscious and want to respect tradition but don’t whole-heartedly believe that it’s the most important thing in the world.. Well then, a lab-made diamond will be most likely meet all of your needs. Whether you choose the rare and mysterious natural diamond or the impressive man-made duplicate, nobody else will know the difference. Not unless they’re carrying a diamond lab in their back pocket.

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